With warmer weather around the corner, now is the time to save on our chimney services! Get a comprehensive chimney cleaning for only $345, which covers one fireplace, smoke chamber, and flue. Call today to schedule your cleaning. Exclusions apply. See coupon.
What is a chimney sweep?
A chimney sweep should be a regular part of your home maintenance routine. Having your chimney swept is a vital process to protect your home from the possibility of a chimney fire occurring. A chimney sweep removes the combustible deposit called creosote and soot from your chimney by either brushing or using other mechanical tools to clean the flue.
What can happen if I don’t have my chimney swept or inspected?
If you don’t have your chimney swept or inspected often and you continue to use it, there is a greater chance of you experiencing a chimney fire. A chimney fire occurs when the combustible deposits called creosote that naturally build up in the chimney during use, actually catch on fire. This fire can burn extremely hot and fast. The heat can damage the interior of your chimney called the flue lining. The fire can transfer to other parts of the house, depending on the how the chimney is built and the length of time that the chimney is on fire.
What is swept during a chimney sweep?
The firebox – The firebox is the area of your fireplace or wood stove that you put the wood in. As the name implies, it is where the fire happens. There is usually some ash and creosote in the firebox that needs to the brushed out to ensure a properly burning fireplace or woodstove.
The damper frame and blade – The damper is the part of the fireplace or wood stove that you open before starting a fire and close when no longer in use.
The smoke chamber – The smoke chamber is the area just above the damper of the fireplace. It is the part of the chimney that connects the firebox to the chimney flue. Sometimes, the damper blade must be removed to access the chamber for removal of the creosote.
Connector pipes (wood stoves/furnaces) – The connector pipes connect your wood stove or furnace to the chimney system. Soot or creosote often builds up in the connector pipes due to flue gas condensing as a result of the loss of heat through the pipe and/or elbows in the pipe.
The chimney flue – The flue is the main exhaust pipe for your chimney. It is usually made from clay lining tiles, brick, or corrugated or smooth stainless steel. This area of the fireplace or chimney collects much of the soot or creosote during the burning process due to cooling of the flue gases as they rise through the flue.
In addition to the sweeping of the chimney/fireplace, an inspection of the system is done to ensure there are no defects in the chimney that may cause you problems when burning your fireplace/wood stove.
Does sweeping my chimney make a mess?
NO. Smoke Stacks Inc. cares about your house and belongings. As a professional chimney sweeping company, we go out of our way to keep your house clean while we perform our chimney sweeping service. We lay down drop cloths and use above industry-standard vacuums to protect the surrounding areas of the fireplace or wood stove.

Safety Information About Chimneys
Chimneys are an integral part of many homes. It is the chimney’s responsibility to vent the hazardous gases that are created by your home heating appliance. It is of the utmost importance that your chimney is working correctly to ensure the safety of your family.
Many chimney problems, such as holes and cracks, in the masonry of the chimney go unnoticed until there is a problem that is very noticeable. Chimney problems can cause your heating furnace to stop working properly, fireplace smoke to come back into your house, or water to come through your ceiling or walls.